Pollution control at sea

At sea

Prevention and organization of efficient means of intervention at sea are often the best way of avoiding a catastrophe.

That is the prime role of SYCOPOL with its international services organizations.

They have at their disposal aerial means and an extensive fleet of tugs, boats, and barges for off-shore towage and submarine tasks when required.
Today’s dispersants are highly efficient products and they are approved by all recognized authorities in Europe and world-wide.

They can be sprayed from aerial means or from boats by spraying manifolds or spraying guns.

To decide whether to implement dispersant in the open sea before the slick reaches the shoreline.

To contain the hydrocarbon slick with floating booms.

A pollution may be contained with absorbent booms of different types or retention inflatable booms.

These booms can be delivered on autonomous reels. The reels are equipped with hydraulic inflatable systems and can contain up to 200 m of booms.
Skimmers and various recovery systems for collecting very viscous weathered and emulsified oils.

To recover the maximum amount of spilled oil and store the recovered products in integrated tanks and soft-skinned containers.

Oil recovery vessels to recover oil at sea or in port areas.
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