Other means proposed by SYCOPOL


SYCOPOL offers also to centralize the control of oil fighting operations from a mobile headquarters (inflatable tents with AC).
For pollution of soil or inland waters, SYCOPOL has the skills to work on site to deal with situation.

Pumping trucks, sewer cleaning, generators, pumps, pressure washers… materials and trained personal available 24/7.

Most response personnel are trained at Cedre.
Rehabilitation of polluted sites is then carried out with real-time analytical monitoring and rigorous final control. Analyses are validated according to EEC standards and ISO 9000 quality assurance procedures.
All SYCOPOL’s materials and products have been tested by officially recognized laboratories such as CEDRE (Documentation, Research and Experimentation Centre on Oil Pollution), the Warren Spring LABORATORY, the SFT…
They have been successfully used on all major oil spills around the world suuch as the Amoco Cadiz, Tanio, and Exxon Valdez disasters, and in the Arabian Gulf (1993, 1991), Madeira, the Haven spill, the Erika spill, the Prestige accident…
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